Thysanoptera of Japan


Yoshinothrips pasekamui Kudo, 1985


本種はやや大型のアザミウマ科。本州~九州、中国に広く分布し、関東地方では5~10月頃に主にアズマネザサなどのササ類に普通にみられる。中国で記載されたY. tianmushanensis Mirab-balou & Chen, 2012は体色が本種に似るが、後胸腹板に小棘を持つことなどで識別できる。

This is a relatively large species in the Thripidae. It is widely distributed in Honshu to Kyushu and China. In Kanto area of Honshu, Japan, it is commonly found on bamboos such as Pleioblastus chino. Y. tianmushanensis Mirab-balou & Chen, 2012 described from China is similar to this species in coloration but it can be distinguished from the latter species by metasternum with spinula.

  • Female



    Female head and thorax

    Male macroptera

    Male microptera